Chats are self explanatory and very familiar concept for everybody, however BuckitUp chats inherit some special qualities that you need to know about:


All chats messages are asymmetrically encrypted and signed by the senders private key. A key pair - represents user account, public key is recorded on the BuckitUp system along with the nickname, while the private key is only stored on the client device.


There is a chat with yourself that is used to store private information and also serves for room’s access backups. It is looks and operates just like any other chat and the addressee username in the top raw is your own.

Asynchronous communication

This chats aren’t meant for the real time communication, rather like a content and documents exchange. Nothing will be delivered to a remote location without additional setup or explicit action from the user, so it makes sense to regard the messages as asynchronous communication connecting people rather in time than in space.

For the same reason no notifications are applied.

Permissionless security

BuckitUp does not involve any third party in the communication steak, it means cryptographic system ensures users to only exchange messages with each other with no external mechanisms to control a quality or a quantity of their content.

It means there is no blocking and moderation provided for the chats or rooms, all the unwanted communication needs to be counteracted on the infrastructure level. The lack of notifications logic prevents excessive destruction in case of unwanted behavior. It is generally recommended to only share the secure communication with people you trust.

Keys backup

Some of the cryptographic access management involves chat massages, thus a room key when provided to you as an invitation may be delivered as an automated chat message from an inviting user.


All keys from the newly created rooms are automatically backed up as the invite messages in the “Notes” chat of the user who created the room.